Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A fine young couple.

Let me introduce you to Bill and Karen Krulish:

They are young and in love. Today, May 24th, is there wedding day. They have committed themselves to each other for life. They have promised to encourage each other in their relationship with the Lord, support each other through highs and lows and to pursue the whole relationship package referred to in their vows as “this intimacy” only with each other.

They first got to know each other working with a Christian bus ministry two summers ago, between Bill’s freshman and sophomore year of college. They easily became friends and really enjoyed each other’s company. On one hand, Karen was very interested, on the other she was a bit nervous. So nervous that when Bill asked her out on a date towards the latter part of the summer, she simply said “no” and did not talk to him much for a while. Bill was crushed, but he survived the few weeks it took her to change her mind. She did not even run away when he showed up for their first date wearing totally geeky clothes and driving a borrowed car with a bad starter. He even had to jump start the car after stalling it out in the middle of the intersection. But Karen could tell that Bill was a big spender; he used a whole week’s pay at dinner that night, a whopping $20!

After the summer was over, Bill and Karen worked on friendship. They were both going to school and serving on the Campus Ministries Leadership Team. The more time they spent together, the sweeter things were. But they were just friends. At least that is what they told each other repeatedly to help keep things in perspective. They never referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend, simply as “best friends.” Sometimes their other friends would laugh at that, because they knew that this was not your typical friendship, but they would go along with it.

In November of Bill’s junior year, the friendship went to the next level. They skipped from “just friends” to “just got engaged.” Bill tried to be all slick with the proposal, thinking that he could really surprise Karen. After all, he had told her at some point in the last year that he was not planning on getting married for quite a while. They had not directly talked about getting married and had not hinted around it either. After all, they were “just friends.” So Bill was confident that he could surprise her when they went to the sit at the beach. When he popped out the ring, she was surprised just enough to be speechless for a few moments. Bill got worried and finally asked “you can take time to think about it if you want.” But apparently she already had been thinking about it, and because Bill can’t pull anything over on her, she already suspected that he was going to pop the question. Thankfully, she said yes before Bill had a nervous breakdown right there on Palm Beach.

So here we are six months later. The summer before Bill’s senior year of college. Don’t expect an fancy ceremony or an expensive reception. These two are young and have no parental bankroll. In fact, there will simply be mints. nuts, punch and cake at the reception (much to the chagrin of a few hard drinkers in the crowd). The ceremony itself should be nice, a friend has written a song, Bill and Karen wrote their own vows, and a great group of people will be gathered. They are driving off after the reception for a week long honeymoon to secret locations (OK, I will tell you that they are driving to various places in their current home state Florida to relax and enjoy each other’s company). After that, they will be back to work and school, and will move in their third story apartment in the seedy part of town.

Please pray for them. They want to honor God in their marriage. They want to strengthen each other. They want their newly formed family to be healthy and have a positive impact on the people they encounter.
Special note to Karen from Bill: (The rest of you may read it also but don't get confused. I am not calling you babe.)

Hey babe, if you see this before I get off of work today, Happy 25th Anniversary! I wish we could be together but I am glad we will be soon. I look forward to finally being reunited with you in TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY! We will have a belated celebration of our first 25 years. I am looking forward to the next 25 my love.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Newt Buswell's clippers

Last year when I realized that I would be leaving my beloved Spring Hills to pastor my own church I had no idea where I would end up. I knew that I did not want to be within driving distance of my home church because it would just be odd for me to pastor so close to my family of 16 years. I knew that I did not really want to go to the Bible belt, they have plenty of pastors there. I also knew from our good friend Melissa that Alaska was not necessarily the place for me. Other than that, the whole country was fair game.

I looked in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New England, other parts of California and several other places. For years I had thought it would be nice to move to Karen's old stomping ground in Southern Vermont or New Hampshire, but I did not think that it would be practical. When I came here to do Grammie Buswell's funeral in October it hit me like a 2x4 upside the head that this was where I needed to be. I was overwhelmed with the need for a healthy church here.

I moved here because I knew it was the place for me to start a church, but the heritage of Karen's family means a lot to me. This is the area where my wife became a Christian. It is the area where her grandfather and her great great grandfather pastored a church. It is the area where the awesome Newt and Ina Buswell lived.

These are Newt Buswell's clippers:

Newt and Ina were very important figures in Karen's childhood, much like my grandparents were important in mine. I am so grateful for all that they did for her and all they meant to the rest of family. My respect for both of them is immeasurable.

I used Newt Buswell's clippers to trim the grass around our mobile home today. A weed eater is not a good idea against the skirting that surrounds our home. As I crawled on hands and knees snipping away I felt very satisfied. Using his tool on my home in the town he lived in his whole life felt just right.

I hope I can be half the man he was.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bill Krulish, Poo flinger

Happy Mother's Day all of you maternal units.

Today I had fun flinging poo. Dad has a good sized garden in the back yard. I rototilled it, then we rototilled the garden at the Stone House (where I stayed for my first month here). I then proceeded to use a pitchfork to fling lots of cow poo all over and I rototilled it again. I hope to fling more poo in Dad's backyard this week. Between pichforking poo, rototilling and taking an axe to a tree I will get in shape in no time.

There, I got my Junior High moment over with. I will go back to being an adult now and will spare you a picture of cow poo.