This is the story of the Krulish family's move from Northern California to Charlestown, NH in order to plant a church.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
What a Handfull...
Well it was on Tuesday of last week that my Uncle Chris and Aunt Kathy arrived in quaint little New Hampshire. So far, we've given them many tours and buttered them with hours of family time. Today I took them to Fort no. 4. Since I work there, my family was able to go in for free! After we toured the Fort dad bought a Fort # 4 folktale book that I wanted to read to mom. I think it'll be cheesy since they're ghost, legend, and scary stories from the mid 1700's. While our family visitors are here we've been enjoying every moment, they even attended dad's church service. Not that they had much choice considering it was in the iving room, but they enjoyed it. I also have been recieving much overdue teasing from my goofy uncle. But I've mature... Now my sarcasim skills are off the charts. I thank my Dad. Onto a newer subject: Mom. I know her eyes must be widening seeing i'm writing about her, but she does ask why I write about dad and not her so much. Well even though it's not mother's day, I do have compliments and facts about her. 1. She has a beautiful heart and faith in the Lord. 2. She adopted me. 3. She homeschooled me for 5 years. 4. She hasn't kicked me out of the house the times when I've been a pest. 5. She's becoming more of a softy. 6. She's mature the times dad isn't. 7. She's my momma, and I love her a lot. I've been so excited and axious for my sisters to come out, in my mind I'm jumping around like a little kid,while on the outside I try to keep my cool. I just can't wait! Hope all you West Coast people have a good afternoon! Night Everyone!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Daddy's Day Dad!
YAAAY! It's Father's day! And I am extremely blessed to have a fantastic, awesome, awe-inspiring, magnificent, wonderful, amazing,and all those other big words, of a dad. My dad is by far my favorite guy in the world. He loves the Lord with all his heart, he's a redneck (oh jeez), and an awesome family man. He my favorite teacher, until he says something I don't like hearing. I can talk to him about anything and he gives me some great and reasonable advice. My favorite thing about him is that he's an awesome listener, never interupts me, and only gives me advice when I'm looking for it. I love my dad because he's shown a tremedous amount of love for me. He brought me into his family. Little fact for y'all, mom and dad were thinking about adopting a baby boy (gasp)! But thankfully they fell in love with and adopted a little ginger girl instead. I thank my over dosage of cuteness. Now 13 years latter I'm fourteen years old never guessing that my favorite guy would drag me to redneck central, New Hampshire. He gave me the biggest curve ball of my life, and I've had strikes as well as home runs. He's helped me so much, through school, family, and all the other little things that happens to teens. Some kids have dads that put out fires or arrest bad guys, but to me, my dad doesn't have to be this big star super hero. My dad talks about Marvel superheros with me, we play video games, we talk about guns and that Ducati he's going to let me buy... maybe. We go on dates, he buys me fast food, I insult his blue cargo pants, we tease mom, I let him steal my food sometimes, we talk about archery and God and how he's going to invent floating targets when he arrives to heaven. I beg him to let me go to jail: to see his prisoners, he's working on getting me in the office. My dad is the one who taught me to ride my bike, taught me to throw a frisbee and baseball, I picked up sarcasim and humor from him. I definetly do no follow his fashion habbits, one time he bought me some green cargo shorts... ya i never wear them :) nice try dad. To me, a heroic father is a man who supports and loves his kids and family. And that's exactly what my dad does. Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you with all my heart!
p.s. Yes, rice crispy's are my present to him :)
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Oh No!
Yesterday was Friday. Fridays's are when I go to my youth group, Total Impact. Every third Friday of the month is when we go up to the head youth leader, Pastor Ken's house. I usually go to the church where one of the other youth leaders, Jay gives me and a few others rides there. When I arrived to the church, Jason informed me and two other high schoolers that the youth room was robbed! Though it was kinda obvious because all of the flat screens, gaming systems, and laptops were gone! Someone must have really desperate to steal from the church. Now we are praying for the replacements that we need.
At Ken's house we just play a bunch of different games or watch a movie, occasionally we have a huge bonfire and he'll pull out old furniture to burn. Our traditional outside game is Gaga. This is when a large group of people are enclosed in a big octagon shape, we use long wooden boards. When everyone is in, a starter throws a dodgeball against a board. After this anyone is allowed to hit the ball and try to get other people out. If the ball flys out of the octagon from your hit, your automatically out. If you get hit in the head your still in, you can only use your hands. It's a fast moving game and we usually play numerous rounds, it's a lot of fun. The leaders are great. They're funny, nice, and easy to talk to.
Oh! And I was also blessed with the opportunity to go to Six Flags with Total Impact as well! I'm so excited! We leave on Tuesday at 8am and don't get back until midnight! I'm also thankful that I have made quite a few friends, some actually go to my high school which I think is cool.
Tuesday is also when my Favorite Uncle <3 & Aunt come! Sadly I won't see them until Wednesday, but I couldn't pass up this opportunity. And yes Fav. Uncle, you will get to see me work at the fort no. 4 :) Tomorrow is Dad's day, I made mine rice crispy treats, still his favorite. tomorrow will be my big to-do blog about him, so until then, I get to pick on him as much as I can! Hope y'all west coasters have a great day!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Busy, busy, busy, sorta.
The Krulish Clan had a busy weekend! Saturday was our trailer parks yard sale! And my dad and I learned something, don't let Karen run sales... ever. So my dad was about to sell a cross-stitch kit to a lady for three bucks, generous but he wanted it off his hands. So the lady thought this was a great deal, well my mom comes over and sees the lady pull out three. And what does she do? "Oh, you can make him a deal!" My dad has this expression that says, "No! I want that three bucks!" The lady continues with the three and my dad thinks he's safe. But then my "all too sweet" mother of mine tells the lady she can have it for two. She made the lady's day, and us, a smaller profit. He wasn't at all mad but my dad then suggested that my mom should go across the street and have a break under the shade. I also sold some stuff and was please with the outcome.
Sunday we had our weekly church service and had two guests, making our church 9 people! My dad works hard to begin bringing forth God's plan.
Sunday is also dad and I's date day. Every sunday we do an activity together. We've gone to the shooting range, the movies, good 'ol McDonalds, he takes me shopping which I LOVE, since my former shopping buddy was Katherine, so I was very happy when he said he likes going with me. On Sunday the 10th my dad and I headed up to Keene to go to game stop or "nerd central" as Katherine once called it. I sold my old Dsi stuff and bought four new ps3 games that dad and I played together. My favorites would have to be Ratchet and Clank or Tron. I love date day with dad, i'm extremely thankful to have have a father, especially one that loves me and takes takes time out of his day to be with me. Monday was errands errands errands. We've been getting ready for my uncle and aunt's arrival that is now a week away, we are all excited. Now I sit at my computer updating my life while I wonder about yours. I hope to visit California sometime in the near future. Happy tuesday west coast dwellers!

Saturday, June 9, 2012
It has officially been a year since my dad came back to California to retrieve my mother and I. It is also the anniversary of my sister's high school graduation. It excites me to think that her graduating has lead to me beginning my four years of high school. The Krulish's have certainly come a long way in just one year. I remember when my dad first arrived at the airport, I didn't "know him" or at least it didn't seem like I did. Four months without pyshically seeing him or talking face to face had a different outcome on me. While my mom hugged him and cried, I stood with my Nana watching. I remember being told a story similar to this one that happened to me when I was younger, first adopted actually. One day mom and Katherine went to go run an errand, they were my favorites back then I was told. I wasn't allowed to go with them so I was to stay home with big bad dad, who I didn't like at the time. Well then what is a little 2 year old to do when she doesn't get her way? Well I went and pouted on the stairs. I wanted nothing to do with the weird bald guy. But he wanted me, why else adopt me? So I sat on the stairs and he laid on the living room floor. I decided that I didn't like him looking at me so I scooted up the stairs so that only one of my feet were showing. And of course what did the weird guy do? He started to talk to my foot! He'd say, "hello foot" but I moved my foot out of sight. Then I put it back and he'd say it again. When I took my foot away again but it didn't come back. Instead a bouncy smiley redhead came and pounced and gave him a hug. That was the first time I ever accepted my dad. When he came back from NH, I thought of that memory. I still do, sometimes I laugh thinking, "how could I ignore my favorite guy in the whole world?" I love my dad, I trust him, I can talk to him, and he encourages me greatly especially when it comes to my faith. I know that he will never leave me and always protect me. I thank God for him.
Friday, June 8, 2012
I guess someone has to keep the west coast people updated. And who better than the recently middle school graduate,me, Kayla Dean Krulish. This is my first blog entry ever, though I have wanted to do one for awhile. Since the last entry in Sept. a lot has happened to The "Krulish Clan", our church, Hope Mountain, is slowly developing but we are not giving up on our main goal, to spread the word of God to as many people as we can. As we look for new possibilities I have become more excitable about our mission. Now since school is over, hopefully more can be accomplished and summer always seems to bring new possibilities. Summer also brings us blessings, such as a visit from my favorite uncle chris and aunt kathy. Also in July, i'm expecting my sisters Katherine and Kesh for I believe two weeks. I thank God for events like these, they're answers to my prayers.
My graduation was earlier tonight at 6pm. I was extremely excited and anxious. I received Presidential Academic Award, high honors, and was recognized for a few other things. Mom prepared some awesome food for my family grad. party. I now can proudly call myself a freshman of Fall Mountain High. There were Struggles at times but Charlestown Middle was by far the perfect school for my first year back to a public school. I'm pleased with myself and am happy to have made my parents and teachers proud. I think what got me through it was God and his gift of friends, my favorite thing to remember when I am doubting or anxious is would be in Philippians 4:13, it says "I can do anything through Christ who Strengthens me." This verse helped me through my move, school, but it also reminds me that my ultimate goal, to spread God's love and grace with a church for Him. So west coast dwellers, that would be the update on the Krulish's adventures, my updates of other events will soon be of your knowledge in days to come. Wish you all a fantastic week!
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